In trying to support innovations and making graduates relevant in the job market, Victoria University one of the leading private university is set to introduce new programmes this academic year that starts in August.

Speaking at the annual Victoria University open day held to show case university programmes to potential students and entire public, Victoria University Vice-Chancellor Dr. Krishna Sharma said among the new courses include masters in business administration, masters in oil and gas accounting alongside other short courses.
Krishana said these programmes are intended to offer the general public opportunity to advance in their different disciplines taking into consideration the changing job market demands for talent development and market-driven research.

Commenting on its uniqueness, Krishna said Victoria University has open door policy allowing students interaction with lecturers and supervision by the dean of students and whole management.
“At Victoria University we have open door policy where university management interacts with students besides management sponsoring research works for students. This has boosted our learning, innovations and research,” he said.

Dr Terry Kahuma dean faculty of science and technology said effective this academic year the university will upgrade its programmes in line with their five year strategic plan 2018/2021.The new strategic plan emphasizes teaching of practical skills and community engagement besides teaching market driven courses that will produce job creators.
“We shall strengthen our faculties and ensure that we introduce masters and PHD and increase community engagement to ensure that we strengthen our research and innovation collaborations,”Kahuma said.

The open day held under theme long term, academic and career success, critical thinking to make informed decisions attracted over 1500 participates enabling students on vacation to interact with top university officials.

Students were shown unique university prospectus, modern facilities’ including state of the art facilities and labs, air conditioned lecture rooms that are sound proof.

Current courses at Victoria University
Victoria University offers broad range of market driven courses designed to equip students with cutting edge knowledge experience, management skills and competences with balance of theoretical knowledge and practical study in addition to skills in active participation and critical analysis.

There are also says short relevant courses like oil and gas studies, Entrepreneurship and development studies and entrepreneurship.
Victoria University also teaches digital marketing that emphasizes use of internet and online digital medium for those wishing to advance their career in marketing.


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