The Uganda Government through the Ministry of Health has issued travel advisories for visitors from countries that have been affected by COVIDー19 . People from seven countries; Spain, Italy, Iran, France, Germany and China should consider postponing non-essential travel to Uganda.

Any traveler from these countries including Ugandan nationals will be subjected to self-quarantine for 14 days on arrival in Uganda even if they do not exhibit symptoms of COVID-19.

This move come just two days after the government of Uganda constituted a corona virus working group of doctors.

The Ministry of Health will observe travelers from UK, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, India and USA very closely and the evolution of the outbreak in these countries and advise on any restrictions in the coming weeks.

Travelers from the rest of the countries will undergo the routine screening upon arrival and be advised accordingly on the measures to undertake while in the country to prevent infection and where to report if not feeling well.


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