Omera Lucky Bosmic Otim should be aided to return home and welcomed as our own son , brother , father and a Luo Poet.
Regardless of what went wrong, who did him wrong, who he did wrong … 2024 we must embrace unity for acholi and ensure that we start this now
The return of bosmic and his subsequent reunification with his fellow acholi kinsmen will definitely mean alot for the long sought after unity 🤝
I believe we shall have a better , well matured and the once celebrated Bosmic Otim Revamped to continue doing what he does best for acholi and Uganda 🇺🇬
Caution; it may be a contrary or unpopular opinion , but I have done some critical thinking into this very controversial subject 🤔
Who is Bosmic Otim???
William Otim also known as Bosmic Otim or Lucky Bosmic Otim is a Ugandan musician and politician, born in Kitgum and raised in Northern Uganda 🇺🇬
He became a peace maker through his music in 2006, when National Resistance Movement was fighting with Lord’s Resistance Army.
In 2007, he was called by LRA to entertain them and the community.He won the 2007 Pearl of Africa Music Awards . Bosmic Otim remains a celebrated Visionary Artist with a craft so unique and full of humour 📌
Like everyone alive, we make mistakes , we must seek repose and ask for a new beginning. I humbly appeal to all the people to seek forgiveness and We steer on a positive path 🙏 this 2024, acholi needs us all and all of us need acholi
apwoyo, an