There are many horrible and incomprehensible tales of mothers killing their own children that a week hardly goes without a news of such kind.The culture of death has gripped human society.When these women are arrested,they are imprisoned since  they are a threat to society,however,many still go unpunished.  Whether unborn or not killing is unaccepted.At stage of life,one kills is guilty.Some people theorize that a baby in the womb is just a blob of tissue and not a human being [Gen 2:7]. It is important to note that a human soul  is immortal.The brutality of an abortion towards the child is usually severe and the child feels pain.

The philosophy of legalizing abortion is now manifested into a murder and blood world.For what is expected in a country is which for decades it has been legal for a mother to kill her unborn child? Consider euthanasia, as said,”What goes around,comes around.” The ones passing euthanasia are children born and nurtured  into the society gripped with death.They see no problem with passing a law that permits to ask the doctor assist him/her kill the parent who is very old,terminally ill handicapped.We no longer want inconvenienced;if someone is inconveniencing you,eliminate him/her.Are we surprised then that we live in a world of terrorism?”If a mother can kill her own child,how can we tell others not to kill?”Mother Theresa of Calcutta once asked.If there is no peace between parent and child, how can there be peace in the world? How can we have peace with a stranger?

I am saddened with the activism to legalize abortion in this country.Africans are well known of respecting life,children in the African culture are seen as a gift, a treasure and joy.Life is celebrated not terminated.Let us not be blinded to lose this value that we have.We should continue to treasure family and children.Humanity is the best source for development and hence we need people in order to develop.Fellow Ugandans; let us promote a culture of life “Choose life,then, so that you and your descendants may live,in the love of Yahweh, your God,obeying his voice,holding fast to him,for in this, your life consists”{Deut.30:19-20}.

if there is no peace between a parent and child,how can there be peace in the world? How can one have peace with a stranger?…”


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