We all know that the only person who can’t stand by the face of the law should be the reigning head of state of that given country. When Socialite Judith Heard was summoned by police over her nudes that leaked to the public eye a few months ago, she appeared unapologetic as she posted on social media seeming not bothered and saying that all those behind ‘it’ will be very fine since it is the fact of being unemployed disturbing them.

Nalongo Judth Heard Nudes

“Nudes nudes nudes as if that’s gonna change the way I think or life. U seen them now what??? U can’t even get close to what I have worked for in my life. Get over it” she added on.

However, the slender model now seems to have taken back her words as she has reportedly begged for forgiveness from the authorities following being briefly detained at Central Police Station (CPS) yesterday, 31st July 2018 in the afternoon to respond to why she failed to appear at police despite the repeated summons.

Word has it that in the statement she recorded yesterday, Nalongo Judith claimed that the pictures were taken by her boyfriend then for a work related project when she was still an active model with no intention of ever being released.

Police revealed that she had been summoned twice but failed to appear where she defended herself that she could not appear earlier since she was out of the country attending work related events.

Meanwhile, Judith still takes her arrest as a blackmail if anything in her Facebook post today morning is to go by;

“At the end of every road it’s about who has the last laugh, Even those that write false stories about people have families that welcome them back from work at the end of their long day of putting mud on someone’s name. Anyway the ignorance of the Pharaoh didn’t stop MOSES from rescuing the Israelites from Egypt. You will be fine..!!!” she posted.

Nalongo Judith Heard now joins the list of those to be arrested over nudity on regulations of the Anti-Pornography act with the most recent being Lilian Rukundo, a student at Mukono based Uganda Christian University (UCU) whose masturbating tape and nude pictures surfaced on the internent in late May and facebook blogger Ashburg Kato who was charged of pubishing and distributing those same material on his Social Media pages. They were both remanded and later released on police bail.


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