As the SARS-COV-2 Corona Virus pandemic is continuing to turn the world upside down, almost all governments in the world have come up with a number of measures to contain the spread of this killer disease.

The most common of these measures include the stay at home and lockdown of some activities that have also been adopted here in Uganda.

However, being stuck at home can be challenging. It’s not always easy even though it is a few days. When you go to sleep, you are at home. When you wake up, you are still at home. It is always waking up to sleep.

But there are some tips or things to do so as you can successfully confine yourself at home with ease, to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. Here are a few of them.

Follow a schedule

Find a maintaining a plan to help you and your family adjust to a different work and home life environment.

If you are living alone, schedule your time depending on the number of your daily activities. Plan when to sleep, wake-up, cook, read books, watch movies among others.

But pace yourself

When you are living and working in the same place for days on end, work can have a way of taking over everything if you let it. Take time for fun activities between work schedules and don’t forget to include in your schedule a consistent bedtime.

According to scientists, quality of sleep relates to cognition, mood, and interpersonal relations — all essential to getting through a quarantine at home for this case.

Go outside

Don’t gey confined to only inside yoir house or room. Get time to move outside to experience nature.

Research finds it that spending time with mature helps boost mental and physical health, as is exercise.

Get yourself a hobby

When you are confined in a small space you need an outlet that isn’t work or maintaining your environment. You can read books. You can also play games, practice some digital instruments of you don’t have any physical one, try a craft, or make some art.

Keep a journal of your daily experience.

According to research that has been carried out on studying the effects of isolation on humans, thay have made one surprise finding they that is the value of keeping a journal.

Write about yoir experiences almost every day. If you find yourself just chronicling the days’ events (which, under the circumstances, might get repetitive) instead try describing what you are experiencing through your five senses or write about memories.

Get time to connect

Scientists have found that isolation is damaging not only to our mental health, but to our physical health as well, especially our immune systems.

Technology makes it easier than ever to keep in touch, so it’s worth making time to connect with someone every day — it might actually help you fight off viruses.

Listen to experts

I’ve found that most problems aren’t rocket science, but when they are rocket science, you should trust a rocket scientist. Always trust the advice of people who know more than you do on some subjects related to this pandemic mostly health officials.

Seek out knowledge from those who know the most about this disease and listen to them. Social media and other poorly vetted sources can be transmitters of misinformation just as handshakes transmit viruses, so we have to make a point of seeking out reputable sources of facts, like the World Health Organization and the Ministry of health.

Put it in mind that we are all connected

The spread of the coronavirus is showing us that what we share is much more powerful than what keeps us apart, for better or for worse.
All people are inescapably interconnected, and the more we can come together to solve our problems, the better off we will all be.

Oh, and always wash your hands, often and avoid touching your face.


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